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Fleet Feet Madison, Now Open

Fleet Feet Madison is Now Open in Hughes Plaza

Fleet Feet is now open in their new Madison location. Located in Hughes Plaza along Hughes Rd., Fleet Feet recently expanded into Madison after years of operating in their Jones Valley location. Madison’s growing population, and active and health-conscious community, made Madison an ideal market for Fleet Feet’s recent expansion. Madison’s multi-use paths, sidewalk connectivity, greenway, and trail system make the city a great environment for runners and walkers alike.

Fleet Feet offers expertise, experience, and customer service beyond what one would expect from a traditional sporting goods store. Fleet Feet’s staff undergoes extensive training and many have a background in running. Fleet Feet’s knowledgeable staff and wide product-line of running footwear, apparel, and accessories, support the customer’s fitness goals at every level.

The comprehensive Fit Process is what sets Fleet Feet apart from other stores. The individualized fit process utilizes state-of-the-art 3D scanning and constructs an analytical image of the runner’s foot. Weight distribution is identified based on the runner’s pressure points to determine the level of support or cushion the wearer may need, along with their natural walking and running gait. Along with the shoe size, the Fit Process identifies the shape of the foot from the width, arch height, and instep height. Arch pronation or flexion is identified in the process and by watching the customer run or walk. All these aspects of the fit give the customer shoe and insole recommendations, customized to keep the runner healthy and happy while meeting their fitness goals.
Along with getting the customer on the right footing, Fleet Feet offers a variety of apparel and nutrition products. Fleet Feet’s stylish apparel line features cotton-free, moisture-wicking materials to keep you cool and comfortable during your workouts. Fleet Feet offers a variety of supplements to enhance the runner's performance. Fleet Feet also has several hydration and nutrition products to help you overcome the “hit the wall” feeling late-run.
Fleet Feet offers race-specific training programs and group runs. Fleet Feet also hosts several “fun runs” from their store, through the Madison community. No matter what your level of fitness or running ability is, Fleet Feet has something for everyone. From the casual walker and jogger, the nurse on their feet all day, marathoner, triathlete, to the trail runner, you’ll find the products and service you need to meet your goals at Fleet Feet.

Fleet Feet is now open and expects its Grand Opening on the weekend of April 11th.

Fleet Feet joins several other fitness, retailers, and services in the redeveloped Hughes Plaza including Absolute Nutrition, Forged by Hex, Bicycle Cove, and Results Physical Therapy.